Home Made Ice-cream

                      Ice-cream preparation at home

Ice-cream is a very tasty and mouth watering food.Many people likes it so much,Especially children like it so much.There are different types of varieties in ice cream such as-Chocolate,Vanilla,Strawberry,Milk,Casar Pesta,Butter etc.Ice-cream making is very easy at home.Below I discuss how to prepare Vanilla ice-cream in 20-25 minutes.


    1.  1 cup milk (Amul Gold)
    2. 1.5 tablespoons sugar dust
    3. 1/2 teaspoon vanilla


    1. 3–4 cups ice, crushed or cubed.
    2. 1/3 cup kosher or coarse salt.
    3. 1 quart-sized plastic zip lock polythene bag.
    4. 1 gallon-sized plastic zip lock freezer polythene bag.

    How to prepare Ice-cream

    1. mix milk, vanilla, and dust sugar in the small plastic bag. Seal bag tightly, making sure to press out any air trapped inside the bag.
    2. Combine salt and ice in the gallon-sized plastic bag.
    3. Place the small bag into the large plastic bag and seal it strongly.
    4. Shake the bag actively for about 6 minutes. In 6 minutes you can see facebook or whats app at your phone....
    5. After 6 minutes, you must see that the liquid inside the smaller bag has hardened. Without opening the bags, let them sit on a plate or towel for another 4 minutes, rearranging the ice in the larger bag so that it's surrounding the smaller bag.
    6. Open them up and scoop out the ice cream from inside the small bag.And  Serve it carefully and immediately to friends and family.


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