Chilli Potato

Delicious Preparation of Chili Potato Ingredients- Potato,Tomato,Onion,Pea,Capsicum,chllii,Ginger,Garlic, Chilli sauce,Soya Sauce,Corn flower,sugar,salt. Preparation- At first we need to boil some potatoes with some salt. Then fries potatoes with some soybean oil. Then cut some vegetables with pieces such as Potato, Tomato, Onion, Capsicum, Chilli,Garlic,then fries these vegetables with some mustard oil. Then added some mustard paste, garlic paste and onion paste on the fries vegetables and mix it properly.After that salt and sugar are added with minimum quantity on the mixture. Then before descending from stove some tomato sauce, chili sauce and soya sauce are added on the cooked food.Then add some amount of cornflower water to it.Then some fried peas are spread on the cooked food.After some time chili potato will ready.Then serve chili potato in our plate.